Two New Committees: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion + Sanctioned Events

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Apply by August 4th

As roundnet grows, the IRF wants to be intentional about making the sport accessible and inclusive to people from all backgrounds and walks of life. 

The DEI committee is responsible for putting together a strategy that will lead to widespread representation at the 2022 world championships. Specific targets include promoting women’s participation and representation, supporting the growth of NGBs from underrepresented Continental Regions, and developing policies and practices that ensure equity and inclusion to make the world championship a truly international event representing as many countries as possible. 

We’re looking for community members who are committed to the cause, have experience in creating inclusive environments, and can come up with simple, yet effective strategies to drive the most diverse representation of players possible and an environment that promotes and celebrates the great things everyone brings to this community. 

Members of this committee will work through August presenting their strategy and recommendations to the board at the end of August. They are encouraged to reach out to other groups and NGBs to draw from preexisting best practices. This work will be incorporated into the overall IRF strategy and presented to the General Assembly in September. 

Sanctioned Events Committee

Apply by August 4th

Tournaments are the key structure that international roundnet competition is based around. To hold true to the IRF’s vision there needs to be standards and guidelines that ensure that sanctioned events are conducted in a way that is safe, fair, and promotes our values and mission. 

This committee is responsible for putting together standards that tournaments must meet in order to count as a sanctioned international event. These standards will also serve as a model for non-sanctioned tournaments seeking guidance on best practices. Specifically, the committee will look to establish the following recommendations:  

Safety - what is required by events to make sure players’ safety is a priority? Examples could include guidelines for hydration, medics, insurance, emergency weather plan, etc.

Fairness - what structural components must be consistent in order to ensure an even playing field at any sanctioned event? Examples could include guidelines for seeding criteria, number of guaranteed games, observers availability and selection, etc. 

Quality - what standards will make sure that any sanctioned IRF is of a quality that meets our vision? Examples could include guidelines for the number of teams/countries necessary for a sanctioned event, required infrastructure (bathrooms, parking, seating, staff, etc.), field condition/setup, etc.  

Members of this committee will work through August presenting their recommendations for standards to the board at the end of August. They are encouraged to reach out to other groups and NGBs to draw from preexisting best practices. This work will be incorporated into the overall IRF strategy and presented to the General Assembly in September.


Rules Committee: Draft of IRF Rules


Board Member Update